Comparing Values for Equality in .NET: Identity and Equivalence (Part 3)

Continued from part 1 and part 2: Care with == and Reference Types One final thing to note is that operator overloads dont behave like overrides. If you use the == operator with reference types without thinking this can be a problem. For example, suppose you have an untyped DataSet ds containing a DataTable dt. … Continue reading Comparing Values for Equality in .NET: Identity and Equivalence (Part 3)

Comparing Values for Equality in .NET: Identity and Equivalence (Part 2)

Continued from Part 1: ii) object.Equals(a, b) object.Equals(a, b)): Overview object.Equals(a, b) is a static method on the object class. Jeffery Richter describes it as ‘a little helper method’. It’s easiest to think of it as a method that does some checking for nulls and then calls a.Equals(b). The reason it exists is that if … Continue reading Comparing Values for Equality in .NET: Identity and Equivalence (Part 2)

Comparing Values for Equality in .NET: Identity and Equivalence (Part 1)

This article is now available on the Code Project at Introduction The various ways of comparing two values for equality in .NET can be very confusing. In fact if we have two objects a and b in C# there are at least four ways to compare their identity, plus one operator that looks like … Continue reading Comparing Values for Equality in .NET: Identity and Equivalence (Part 1)

Problems with Table Adapters in .NET 2.0

There is now second article on the problems with table adapters in .NET. Introduction In Visual Studio 2005 Microsoft have effectively deprecated the use of the separate DataAdapter components (OleDbDataAdapter, SQLDataAdapter). They have replaced them with TableAdapters that are code-generated with the DataSet itself, in the same code module. However, we are struggling with how … Continue reading Problems with Table Adapters in .NET 2.0